Friday, 29 January 2016

Trippy Friday: A Night Spent Poisoned

Before I start, let me say that I think that I probably handled this experience as good as anyone could hope for, and it was still a horrid waste and MUCH more unpleasant than I was hoping would be possible in a worst-case turnout. It was enough to forget about the possible good effects and abandon the drug totally, just to avoid the risk of repeating this experience ever again.

To start off, I am an avid DXM user, very comfortable with my own mind in various states. I was looking to try LSD, but where I live, right now, it is very dry. One night I decided to try morning glory seeds. I figured that at best, it would be a new experience that would further my understanding of different states of consciousness and provide me with a nights amusement. At worst, I figured that I would have a bad experience that I would get through. (more after the cut)

Thursday, 28 January 2016

ABL Health: 3 Home Remedies For Chest Pain

Chest pain is not always due to heart attack. There are many other causes of chest pain. However, whenever you feel pain in chest, you must visit your doctor to rule out any possibility of heart attack or other problems related to heart. This type of chest pain is due to obstruction or spasm of the coronary arteries and is known as angina. Chest pain should not be taken lightly in any circumstance. Once it is known that your chest pain is not due to heart attack, then you may proceed further to take help of home remedies for chest pain. Your chest pain may be due to one of many causes. It may be due to acidity, cold, gastritis, stress, anxiety, coughing, and smoking among many others. Here are some home remedies for chest pain due to these medical conditions that will help you in relieving the discomfort and pain in your chest.(more after the cut)

#TBT Abuja Post: Cab men know it all: "Abeg Driver this gist no concern me, just drive"

If you no get car, or your car no get fuel, then Cabs are the next option.
Lots of people take cabs daily and so while you're in the back seat, making that call or gisting with your girlfriend about that runz, the drivers are listening, infact one of their major jobs aside the driving is gathering gist and the possibility of them gisting other passengers is like 99.98%. (more after the cut)

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Unsafe sex: Why everyone's at it

They pay their bills, hold down careers – so why are young people taking risks when it comes to sex? We talk to the women (and men) ditching contraception and trusting in luck

So… wait," I asked my friend Hayley, over some overpriced wine in my local one evening, "you don't use any contraception, at all?" "None," she said matter-of-factly. "I've had unprotected sex so many times with no results that I think I might be infertile." I doubt that she needed my judgment face at that particular moment, but she got it. She's no teenager, and I have to admit I'd thought she would know better.
Unprotected sex. At one point or another, we've all had it (haven't we? Haven't we?). I've stopped asking my friends if they've used a condom when we do our regular one-night-stand postmortems, not because it makes me look like a neurotic teenager, but because I know that they haven't. And I have no idea how we, well educated in the dangers of unprotected sex and way past our teens, have got to this stage. I am shocked, when canvassing my friends, that in taking the contraceptive pill I am in the minority. Some friends are using other methods, but others aren't using anything. They are just styling it out. Bareback. (more after the cut)

Poetry Wednesday: Her Language (A poem about love for someone who loves someone else)

He spoke it
But with his eyes
Those eyes
They pierced into her consciousness
Searched her soul, and knew her
They told her she will forever be his even if she was miles away.
He would stare at her for seconds
But that was enough, it told him everything he already knew.
The softness of his lips made her tongue to dance
It was like the intertwining of rose petals, natural in its motion
Divine in its extraordinary simpleness
The way he held her so lightly while she lay on his tattooed chest
Made her feel even more protected from the world
She lost track of reality and her heart  smiled  (more after the cut)

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

21 Best Tips On Making A Long Distance Relationship Work

Many people believe that long distance relationships are never going to work out. Your family may discourage it, and some of your best friends may advise you not to take it too seriously, in case you get your heart broken.
Nobody says it is going to be easy — the extra distance makes many things unachievable. Things could get complicated, and you could get sad and lonely at times. However, the extra distance also makes the simplest things the sweetest, being able to hold the other person’s hand, eating together at the same table, feeling each other’s touch, taking a walk together, smelling each other’s hair… these small wishes could suddenly mean so much more in a long distance relationship.
Long distance relationship may be tough but it has its own surprises too. To keep your love alive and strong, here are the 18 tips to make your long distance relationship work: More after the cut

Social Media Addiction, It's Real!!!
Are You Addicted to social media? When Facebook crashed on sometime ago, it took Tinder and Instagram with it - leaving millions frustrated, and even the police asking users not to call them .
With over one billion Facebook users and 300 million on Instagram, whether you like it or not, its accessibility and increasing importance means social media has become part of the fabric of society and our lives.
Just think about how many times in a day you see someone glued to their phone, swiping and tapping away, oblivious .
But when does being an 'active user' turn into over-use, reliance, and possibly even addiction? Who is the most likely to fall into a pattern of reliance, and why?
We asked Judi James, TV behavior expert and author and social media expert Dr Joanne Stephenson, a professor of psychology, everything you need to know about social media addiction - and how to spot if you're using it a little too much. (more after the cut)

Monday, 25 January 2016

When You Ask an Abuja Guy For Data Money

I don't know about you but without internet bundle I feel empty and alone inside like the entire world left me and went on a vacation to mars. In those tough times I just be like "what do I do with my life now? What's the point of my existence" and yes it's that deep, don't act like you don't know the feeling. Well when this happens and you don't have the money to renew your data, do not and I repeat do not ask an Abuja guy to do your data, even if he offers, accept at your own risk because you're in for disturbance of life. (more after the cut)

Silent But Deadly

A little old lady goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor I have this problem with gas, but it really doesn't bother me too much. My farts never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, I've farted at least 20 times since I've been here in your office. You didn't know I was farting because they don't smell and are silent."
The doctor says, "I see, take these pills and come back to see me next week."
The next week the lady comes back.
"Doctor," she says, "I don't know what you gave me, but now my farts...although still silent...stink terribly."
The doctor says, "Good! Now that we've cleared up your nose, let's work on your hearing."

Why You Shouldn't Marry a Yoruba Boy According to Abiodun Kuforiji Nkwocha (its hilarious)

I am going to offend people with this one I just know it! Saying the truth is never easy so here it goes… (if you do not have a sense of humour please stop here.)
“If you have not married an Igbo man, then you are not yet married”
There I have said it. I feel so much better now.
So, my Yoruba brothers have been getting a bad rep on social media. I usually do not get into discussions like that because I am too busy thanking God I did not marry a Yoruba man.
I am a Yoruba girl from Ogun State and my father was the exception from the norm. My brothers… I will just say that you can fall for them at your own peril.
I am proud of the tribe I belong to. I love how cerebral we are, I love how progressive and fun loving it is to be Yoruba. So saying anything negative should not be seen as coming from a bad place, it is just so that these our lover boys will change a lirrle bit. (more after the cut)

Monday Inspiration: How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others—and Feel Happier!
One of the easiest ways to feel bad about oneself is to compare yourself unfavorably to others. We may be tempted to compare ourselves with those who have more accomplishments, seem more attractive, make more money, or boast more Facebook friends.
When you find yourself envious of what someone else has, and feel jealous, inferior or inadequate as the result, you’re having a negative social comparison moment.
Habitual negative social comparisons can cause a person to experience greater stress, anxiety, depression, and make self-defeating choices.  
Two interesting notes about negative social comparison: (more after the cut)

Friday, 22 January 2016

A Cop Knocked On My Door This Morning

A policeman knocked on my door this morning, but I just locked it and sat there in complete silence.
After 20 seconds he knocked again, but I just continued to ignore it. The knocks got louder and more frequent but I was determined not to move in the hope that he would just go away.
Then, he decided to look through the window. He shouted, "Do you think I'm stupid? I can see you in there, sir. Open the door!"
I said, "You're not coming in mate!"
He said, "I don't want to come in, I just want you to step out of the car."

When Owù/Brokeness Becomes your Soul Mate

Mehn we all have ups and downs, highs and lows and sometimes the lows are just lower than minimum wage in naija. So I have to go to work on a Monday morning after spending the weekend pondering how the hell I spent my salary in like 2weeks and now I have to suffer the consequences and the next pay day seemed like eternity. Well the previous night I searched all my trousers, jeans, gowns with pockets and all my bags for some change I probably forgot about but sadly even 10naira I didn't see, waking up the next day, by faith I dressed up,  packaged looking all fresh and shit and went for the only way out, I went to the pharmacy at my estate and was like "please can I have 5h I forgot to use the ATM yesterday (which was a lie, acct was red) I'll pay back when I get back today" and the lady was nice enough to give me and so I was on my way to work. (more after the cut)

Trippy Friday: It Happened So Fast

So, I've done blow since I was about 16. Very random.  Months apart. Just at parties and shit cause I was a teenager and it seemed like the right thing to do. But my friend just got home from college, so we were in celebratory mood and before you know it, we've been doing blow everyday for about 3 weeks now. Some days it's a line before work and that's it, some days it's a balls out tweakerpad crazycracktivity night where we don't sleep until 10am. Evens out pretty well.
**It also should be noted that we got this batch from the same guy we always do. He is a very trusted source. Also, after the first line of this bag we noted that it was better than the stuff we'd been getting. It seemed like a cleaner high. A more social high,  less physical. It felt good, not cracked out beyond control. We were very happy with our purchase from the first line of the evening.** (more after the cut)

Monday, 18 January 2016

The Little Reveal

In This New Year, I want to Appreciate everyone who has supported me by viewing my page. Thank you and may this year give us freedom from our “demons”, may we become better than our former selves. May we never give up on our dreams and may we always remember that in this short life, hope, faith and love is all we have. No more hiding this year so this is the "unpackaged" me and my cat boo saying thank you.. Now you know I'm not a robot. Just a lowkey yute who loves to write.

PS: I'm not lonely o and you won't believe boo eats beans 😹😹👽

Issues Dammit!!!

I can't Access My Computer at the moment, my phone doesn't do much editing And I wouldn't wanna post unfinished material so posts may be slow for now. my hands are tied,  Forgive me. Have a lovely week.

15 Typical Abuja Behavioural Patterns

It's no news that Abuja people behave a certain way of life and attitude that's different from that of the typical Nigerian from any other state or anywhere else in the world as a matter of fact. Abuja people have a way of proving how typical and how basic they are and can be by the way they do certain things and their reactions to various situations and this has absolutely nothing to do with Sex of the individuals involved. This post is aimed at helping you spot the difference between a bonified Abuja person and a person not from around here and it’s based on the behavioral patterns of the majority not the entirety of Abuja people.(more after the cut)

Friday, 15 January 2016

Bombay Nights

What you're about to read is not for the chicken hearted, should not be attempted and is based on real events that took place on a fateful Friday night.
Bad company does corrupt good manners and in my case he's cute, skinny and one of the coolest people I know. I've never really been a drinker even though I drank the occasional Smirnoff ice on outings with friends but that was it. I never had the craving for alcohol until I met Q (not his real name). Q is a motherfucking drunk like you know those people who never get wasted? That's Q, he just never did no matter what he drank and he sure did drink all day everyday in fact it was his morning ritual like wake up with a hangover, look at the monster in the mirror, get some vodka and rinse his mouth with it lol. I was so intrigued by his love for alcohol because I couldn't really get past the taste of alcohol at the back of my throat and Q always said "who tf drinks alcohol because of the taste? Mehn we just want to get high" and I be like “whatever, fucking alcoholic you need an AA intervention” I would tease. (more after the cut)

Trippy Friday: Intravaneous Bliss with a Chaser of Depravity (Cocaine)

I have done drugs for a number of years..actually, since seventh grade. My preferred drugs are typically hallucinogenic in origin, but there was a time where narcotics ruled the roost. Namely, 'cocaine'. I had just purchased three grams of the finest in town..(Granted in America that's not saying much) Not the wasteful type, I thought, 'Hell, if I'm going to do this, I might as well do it right.' I Stopped by the walgreens for a pack of syringes and I was on my way. (more after the cut)

Thursday, 14 January 2016

6 Tips to Prevent Back Pain

Back Pain can be the result of trauma, such as a fall or a car accident. But most often back pain is the result of an everyday activity done incorrectly — activities as common as twisting to reach or lift an object, sitting at a computer in the same position for hours, bending over to vacuum, and carrying shopping bags. The good news is that back pain prevention isn't all that difficult, often requiring just a few adjustments that will soon become second nature.
Here are six simple but effective back pain prevention tips.
1.      Exercise. One of the most important things you can do for back pain prevention is to get up and get moving. Why does exercise prevent back pain? Muscles are meant to move, says Robin Lustig, DC, a chiropractor at New Jersey Total Health Center in Lodi and Pompton Plains, N.J. If you aren't in good shape, you're more likely to hurt your back and feel pain when you do even simple movements, such as lifting your child from his crib. "Also, exercise helps keep your joints fluid," Dr. Lustig says. Another reason exercise prevents back pain is that exercise helps you keep your weight down — being overweight, especially around your stomach, can put added strain on your back.(more after the cut)

#TBT Abuja Post: Dear Abuja Babes, 10 Ways on How to Avoid being called an Ash...

Ladies, these days’ men do not take you guys seriously because a lot of you women do some really crazy stuff to these men. Even the ones in relationships behave like they're single sometimes and so these men are quick to judge and call them Abuja babes (Ash...)
I'm going to give you a list of how to avoid being mistaken for an Ash.. and if you're one then this may help you better hide it.  (more after the cut)

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

In This New Year, Tell Us What You Will Like To See on Our Blog

We would love to hear from you, Send your suggestions to

8 Damaging Myths About Addiction

Myth No. 1: There is an addiction gene
There is no single gene, or set of genes, that determines whether or not a person will become an addict. And even if a person's parents are addicts, it doesn't mean they will be too. Current addiction research shows that roughly 50% of addiction tendencies are attributable to genes.
That's a high percentage, but it still leaves half of the equation up to the environment and personal experiences. The addiction gene myth lulls many people into a false sense of confidence about their own drug use while paradoxically also discouraging many addicts from seeking treatment. (more after the cut)

Poetry Wednesday: You (A poem about finding yourself)

you are a question unanswered
A task too great for a mind as young as yours
So you wander the earth searching for answers
Stuck in ditch after ditch, climbing out of wine glasses
Sticking your feet in the oddest of puddles, moistening your ignorance


Your name is unknown to you, you pretend to know everything
Yet you entrap yourself in falsehood peddled by preachers
You bathe in the nearest pool, baptizing your soul from sin
Haven’t you realized you emerge blacker than you when you took a dip
Don’t you feel overwhelmed with more questions than you had (more after the cut)

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

A Crazy Dream

It was a dreadful night for me! I was shivering in my bed. Instantly, I pulled my blanket and covered myself from top to bottom. I saw a horrible dream......
'A black, muscular, man was standing in front of me. As he grinned at me, it seemed as if a tube light was switched on in a dark room. I was terrified in his appearance. I mumbled, 'Who are you?'
'Yam Dev. I am the final destination of any living being, God of Death,' he replied in the same smiling face.
'But...but I didn't invite you, sir. How can I help you, sir?' very humbly and in a coherent voice I asked him.
'Ha...ha..ha..Oh, dear, you made me laugh!!! I am never welcomed by anyone, but I am so sorry dear, I have to be rude some times, some days. Today is your turn. Don't worry, millions of people will join you. You will never feel lonely. Come on,' saying these words, Yam Dev extended his hand towards me.' (more after the cut)

Ten Signs Your Relationship Isn’t Working: Break Up or Fix It

Breaking up pretty much sucks. There’s no question about it. If you’re still struggling with the question, “Should I break up with her?,” you may want to read the following below. There’s no way I can sit here and tell you precisely what to do; That’s a call that you alone have to make… which is exactly why it can be so hard.
However, there are certain issues in a relationship that are deal breakers and when you run into one of these that one question pops into your mind “Do I break up or do we work it out?” Well, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” answer here. In two separate relationships the two exact same situations can mean two completely different things. With that said, here are ten of the most common reasons people grow apart or want to break up and advice on how you can break up smoothly or fix things.
Whether you want to break up or work through things, The Art of Charm has your back. (more after the cut)

Question: "Is abstinence before marriage a realistic message?"

Answer: Many in the modern culture have declared that sexual morality is dead, that abstinence isn’t realistic, but it is instead old-fashioned and outdated. Is abstinence before marriage even reasonable in today’s “hook-up culture”?

God designed sex to be enjoyed within a committed marital relationship. When God brought Adam and Eve together in marriage, He established the “one flesh" relationship.Genesis 2:24 tells us that a man will leave his family, join to his wife, and become “one flesh” with her. There are numerous verses that declare sex before marriage to be sin (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:13, 18; 10:8;2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19;Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Jude 7). The Bible commands complete abstinence before marriage. Sex between a husband and his wife is the only form of sexual relations of which God approves (Hebrews 13:4). (More after the cut)

Monday, 11 January 2016

A Story of Hope

Hey, my name as Justine. I just wanted to share my story. Honestly I was nervous at first . I grew up in a bad situation (my dad into drugs and in and out of prison.) My grandmother raised me but she passed away when I was 10. I grew with my dad after that and life was mother over dosed and died when I was 14, I tried to kill myself three years later. I got taken away by social services at 17 and I was put into a group home. That was probably the best thing that ever happened. It taught me how a family was supposed to be, how to be an adult . I got something that I never got at home, I learned to have hope. Hope was the best thing that ever happened. I want to show others that you are not a product of your environment, you have a choice to be who you want. I want to get a PhD i n therapy now. I want to help others that are like me.