Thursday, 28 January 2016

ABL Health: 3 Home Remedies For Chest Pain

Chest pain is not always due to heart attack. There are many other causes of chest pain. However, whenever you feel pain in chest, you must visit your doctor to rule out any possibility of heart attack or other problems related to heart. This type of chest pain is due to obstruction or spasm of the coronary arteries and is known as angina. Chest pain should not be taken lightly in any circumstance. Once it is known that your chest pain is not due to heart attack, then you may proceed further to take help of home remedies for chest pain. Your chest pain may be due to one of many causes. It may be due to acidity, cold, gastritis, stress, anxiety, coughing, and smoking among many others. Here are some home remedies for chest pain due to these medical conditions that will help you in relieving the discomfort and pain in your chest.(more after the cut)

Home Remedies for Chest Pain

1. Garlic for Chest Pain
Garlic is one herb that has this indisputable reputation of being a herb beneficial for overall health but more so for heart. Garlic is a treasure house of various vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. It also contains traces of iodine, sulfur and chlorine. Among many other diseases, garlic is able to fight off heart diseases, cough, asthma, phlegm etc. that all can cause chest pain. As less as a clove of garlic a day can lower high cholesterol and prevent building of plaque on your arterial walls that gives rise to angina or chest pain by not allowing enough oxygen rich blood to reach your heart. Raw garlic is more beneficial for heart but even when you use garlic while cooking your dishes, it passes on its healthy goodness to your body. You may also use garlic capsules and garlic juice.
Ways to Use Garlic for Chest Pain
Take a clove of raw garlic and swallow it with water every morning on an empty stomach.
Take 10 drops of garlic juice and 2 teaspoons of honey, mix them in a glass of water. Have it once a day. This is especially beneficial for asthma related discomforts.
Take 8-10 cloves of garlic and grind them to get their paste. Mix this with some flour to make a poultice. Tie it to your back to get relief from pleurisy related chest pain. Pleurisy is a condition when water gets accumulated in your lungs and you experience fever, difficulty in breathing along with chest pain.
Take a glass of milk and add 6-8 chopped garlic to this. Now boil this milk. Drink it while chewing the garlic in it. This helps in reducing phlegm relieving you of chest pain due to phlegm accumulation.
Add few drops of garlic juice in a cup of hot water and drink this to relieve chest pain.
Take ½ cup of mustard oil. Peel a whole garlic pod. Crush the garlic cloves a little. Add this to the mustard oil and heat the oil. Massage your chest and throat with this oil to relieve chest pain due to cough.
Consume 3-4 cloves of garlic everyday after meals if you suffer from gas problem. This will also relieve chest pain due to gas.
Recommended for: Chest Pain due to angina, gas, and cough.

Precaution: Sometimes angina and heart attack are mistaken for each other. While angina does not completely block the blood flow to your heart, a heart attack does that. Angina chest pain is a warning for a future heart attack and should not be ignored. While garlic or any other home remedy for chest pain due to angina can, over time, cure the blockage of arteries, you should not take any risk when experiencing acute chest pain. If you have a chest pain that lasts for more than fifteen minutes or is accompanied by shortness of breath as well as nausea, immediately take medical assistance.

2. Ginger Root for Chest Pain
Ginger root is a popular herb spice with a long history of medicinal use for various medical conditions. It is especially recommended for gastrointestinal issues including acidity, cold and flu, inflammation and immune support and is a proven remedy for vomit and nausea, even for pregnant women. If you suffer from chest pain, you may consider having ginger root tea to reduce inflammation and to get relief from coughing and other symptoms like heartburn that cause pain in your chest.
Get this:
Fresh ginger root- 1 inch
Hot water- 1 cup
Do this:
Place the ginger pieces in a cup.
Pour hot water over it.
Steep for 3-5 minutes.
Have this tea while it is warm.
Recommended for: Chest pain due to heartburn, bronchitis related coughing, gas in stomach.

Precaution: Some people with acidity find that ginger worsens their heartburn. If this is a case with you, do not use this remedy for chest pain.
3. Turmeric for Chest Pain
Turmeric, again a herb spice extensively used in Asian cuisines, has been a traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for inflammatory diseases. Turmeric is used by herbalists for treating various conditions including flatulence, bruises, and chest pain among others. The component curcumin in turmeric helps relieve inflammation and pain due to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, curcumin is also effective when it comes to protect your heart. Many heart diseases are the major reasons of chest pain. Curcumin helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol which damages blood vessels and builds up plaque on the arterial walls. Turmeric is also a good source of vitamin B6 which is associated with a reduced risk of heart diseases.

Ways to Use Turmeric
Add turmeric powder while cooking dishes.
Take ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with a cup of hot milk. Add 2 teaspoons of honey and a little black pepper to it. Mix well and drink this hot turmeric milk.
Take 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Pour hot water over it. Drink this tea.
Recommended for: Chest pain due to chest congestion

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