Waking up with a hangover is not a pleasurable experience. The
first thing that you will notice is a stinging headache, which throbs whenever
you try to move. It is joined by dizziness, an intolerance for cold
temperatures, and a generally heavy feeling. Moving about is not easy, as well
as eating meals, especially if your hangover is pretty severe. Such is the
price that you have to pay for drinking too much the night before.
A hangover’s
symptoms will appear over time, when consuming excessive amounts of alcohol.
The ethanol content of alcoholic beverages comes as the chief proponent of the
heavy morning condition. Your mission is to eliminate the dehydration-causing
substance from your body, or at least, minimize its effects. The good thing is,
there is a variety of ways on how to eliminate a hangover. You just have to
find out which of these methods work best for you:
1. Take a Cold Shower
Taking a bath is a popular method for dealing with a hangover. The sudden splash
of cold water, which slams onto your torso, gives you a much needed jolt. This
rush induces the quick production of adrenaline in the body. The adrenaline, in
turn, raises your tolerance for the hangover’s effects. If you take a shower
while experiencing a hangover, the headache and the heavy sensation will
gradually diminish. They may even disappear if you’re pretty lucky.
Sports Drinks
Dehydration, which weakens the body and makes
you feel heavy, is one of the dire effects of a hangover. Water comes as a good
solution, but the recovery
process is a bit too long. You can take a page from your favorite athletes and
substitute water for a sports drink, at least while you have a hangover.
Sports drinks are excellent
hydrating agents since they contain electrolytes, which promote proper
hydration. These drinks are used by athletes, so they won’t feel tired and
thirsty after a lengthy training session. In your case, you will regain your
strength a bit faster after downing a bottle.
3. Sleep Some More
Waiting for a hangover to subside is
agonizing, since you have to endure its symptoms for several hours, or even the
entire day. You still won’t feel pleasant, even if you take the proper
medication. So why bother facing the problem when you can actually sleep
through it? Though, the main concern is, how do you put yourself to sleep with
a bad migraine?
- Soft Music - Music has the ability to influence moods, including sleepiness. With that in mind, you can play soft jazz, blues or bossa nova music on your radio. These genres, even though sophisticated, induce a sleepy feel, which helps you in your cause to recover from a hangover. Play your chosen music genre, then set the volume of your radio at a barely audible level. Soon, you’ll be dozing your hangover away.
- Pukefest - Puking is pretty uncomfortable but it is the lesser of two evils when compared to a bad hangover. Incidentally, it is also an effective hangover remedy. You get to eliminate alcohol and other toxins from your body through oral expulsion. After puking, you will feel much better, which makes falling asleep easier. So don’t hesitate to vomit whenever there’s a need for it.
- Scalp Massage - A relaxing scalp massage is a quick way to put yourself to sleep. Ask a companion, who’s adept at giving massages, to run his or her hands through your scalp. Tell your companion to tug at your hair lightly through every stroke. It won’t be long before you start snoring.
- Bedtime Story - This option may look silly, but it is really effective. Ask a companion to read a story or a news bit to you while you’re trying to sleep. The story, at first, may contribute to your migraine. As the tale progresses, your ears get accustomed to it. You’ll eventually get relaxed and not before long, you’ll be in dreamland.
Sleeping comes as one of the most
effective means of enduring a hangover. Though, it is not easy to pull off,
even with the given methods. Try combining some of them to increase the chances
of you falling asleep.
4. Eat Fruits
Fruits are rich in vitamin C, which
is said to combat the symptoms of a hangover. During the height of your
hangover, chow down on fruits like the apple, banana, orange and pear. You
won’t recover instantly, but the process will be faster. In addition, some
fruits are known to influence hydration, dealing with dehydration caused by the
5. Swim
The swimming pool, in terms of
dealing with a hangover, is like an upgrade of the shower room. You are totally
immersed in water while inside the pool. The water surrounding and covering
your body instantly relieves the hangover’s symptoms. You can also submerge
your head if you are suffering from severe headache. When you leave the pool,
your hangover is either gone or greatly reduced.
6. Sweat and Urine
Harmful and unnecessary substances
inside the body are removed in the process of sweating and urinating, including
the traces of ethanol from yesterday night ’s alcohol binge. In dealing with
the mid and latter stages of a hangover, exercise appears as one of your best
options. It will make you generate sweat while doing your chosen sports
activity. The moment you get tired, your body will demand for liquids, which
later paves the way for urination.
7. Hot and Spicy
Hot soups, warm beverages and spicy
food go hand in hand to help you reduce the symptoms of a hangover. These food
products influence sweating, which does wonders against the post-drinking
condition. The heat generated from them is also revitalizing. When you have a
hangover, take a momentary pause from your usual meals and prioritize these
three items, especially the soup.
8. Baking Soda Solution
Baking soda is a kitchen condiment
that holds more than a dozen alternative uses. Dealing with a hangover happens
to be one of them. Mix some baking soda with water then drink the mixture. The
nausea, associated with the hangover, will gradually disappear.
9. Increased Magnesium Intake
Magnesium, being a treatment for
migraines, works well against the headache caused by hangovers. Consume a
significant amount of the mineral and your headache will gradually fade. The
popular sources of magnesium are:
- vegetables
- nuts
- tea
- cocoa
- coffee (just be wary of the sugar crash)
- spices
Food that contain magnesium are
nutritious. Include them in your diet, regardless if you have a hangover or not.
The hangover is a consequence for
people who drink too much. You should know your limits when it comes to
guzzling beer and martinis, or else a hangover is bound to appear. Effective as
the means for recovery are, no method instantly removes the discomforting
condition. So remember people, do hold your alcohol, at least from time to
time. For more information regarding this article, read how to get rid of hangovers.
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