Monday, 12 October 2015

You're Coming Back This Summer Shey?


Abeg I don't even know when and I don't have the freaking energy to Google it but I know it’s that time from June/ July through September when Abuja is painted red with the rich kids who have decided to grace us with their presence, that time when they have come to run the town with their friends to show off basically because that’s it and hardly ever because they missed the Abuja breeze or Naija at all, it’s that time where women would be wooed  by daddy's car, money and made spellbound to open their legs because of accent. That time it’s like the runs girls go and have meeting to plan ahead of open season, yes that’s how it is to them.

They go and hunt for prey, they make sure to shop and be ready to dress to impress at parties that they have hustled to be invited to, in order to attract the richest of them all and they don’t need a magic mirror to spot them. That's when Abuja guys here be like "mehn my friends are in town o, we turning up" and they invite friends because drinks are on the returnees so no dime is spent and everyone’s happy. It’s that time for your guy to share his belongings as well. Being friends with one is cool, but if u have never traveled out before, be prepared to be partially mute abi dumb for a while  because they will be in your face with that jand gist, every freaking thing will point to the fact that they are now bat man And they miss Gotham city and can't wait to get back because sun burn done dey spoil their freshness,  they will act like they have lost all their #Naijasomeness and will deliberately not pronounce a local word like "Panya" correctly just to remind you that they are not local, never been. Mehn especially the proud ones, but aren't they all? All they do with their fellow rich kids friends is always the same, especially the girls who won't really like themselves because they are always in competition with each other but will be friends regardless just to roll with their kind to put other "local" girls down. The guys just gist themselves about their different lives and in their brain calculate who is richer so they can brag to their local friends about their cool "richer" friends lool (I almost confuse) u go sabi their family history by force, u fit even know the guy house for Asokoro but u never meet am lol, they party hard, chase pussy like Charlie Sheen and its all fun and games until it’s time to go back and they have to go a testing lmao. Na so
I really want to talk about their parties but mehn let me save that for part 2. Stay tuned *NTA news theme song plays in the background*

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