Monday, 12 October 2015

Monday Inspiration: Believing and Hard Work is All You Need

Working Hard or Hardly Working? 

Achieving real success is not by luck or by chance it’s not by luck – it’s not by chance – It starts and ends with hard work. Determination, motivation, perseverance, commitment, and passion.
Where do you stand, right now, today? Are you happy with where you are? If not, why aren’t you? What’s holding you back from being you on your best day?
The answer: Yourself.
It’s easy to settle in and let things come and go. It’s easy to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow”. There are so many reasons why you SHOULDN’T change – but if there is one reason why you SHOULD – why don’t you?
We’ve talked about the inconvenience of change and the challenges that come with transition, but at the end of the day, if you want something – get out there and take it.(More after the cut)

Too many people are content in where they are in life, used to a routine life, content with not rocking the boat or swimming against the current and going with the flow. But once you look around you and see how people have decided for themselves, packed their bags and moved across the country, making the most out of unemployment. Watching people start their own businesses, seeing friends land their dream jobs and publish their first book – something would click inside of you. That voice telling you to appreciate what you had started telling you that there is so much more to life.
Let the positive energy of the successful ones you see around you, rub off on you. I can’t begin to tell you how inspired I am every day by so many people. You and I – we are the future movers and shakers of the world – we’re in the driver’s seat, masters of our own domains – and since no one knows for sure, we have to live like this is the only chance we get. Life’s too short for shoulda’, coulda’, wouldas’.
And what does it all come down to? Hard work. If you’re willing to make sacrifices, willing to put in the long hours and sleepless nights, willing to take a step back before taking a giant leap forward – you’ll achieve anything you want to achieve.
Ignore the naysayers, surround yourself with supportive people, maintain a positive attitude, ask questions, stay hungry for constant growth and  learning, always remain humble while exuding confidence, work hard, and at the end of the day, enjoy the hell out of life. It’s a gift we should be thankful for every single day.

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