Friday 21 August 2015

Health Tips: No Stress yaself, Prevention is better than Cure.

Stress is an overload of anything that we feel, when everything seems like it has become too much and it’s like we can’t cope with the pressures upon us. This stress affects the body, behavior, thoughts and feelings and not in a good way. Here are some causes of stress and what to do to reduce or avoid stress;

Causes of Stress
The most common causes of stress are:
  • Bereavement
  • Family problems
  • Financial matters
  • Illness
  • Job issues - work is the leading cause of stress in many people's lives, concerning factors that may have a significant impact on their wellbeing.
  • Lack of time
  • Moving home
  • Relationships (including divorce)
The following are also common causes of stress:         
  • Abortion
  • Becoming a mother or a father
  • Conflicts in the workplace
  • Driving in bad traffic
  • Fear of crime
  • Losing your job
  • Miscarriage
  • Noisy neighbors
  • Overcrowding
  • Pollution
  • Pregnancy
  • Retirement
  • Too much noise
  • Uncertainty (awaiting laboratory test results, academic exam results, job interview results, etc)
It is possible that a person feels stressed and no clear cause is identified. A feeling of frustration, anxiety and depression can make some people feel stressed more easily than others.

How to Avoid and Relief Stress:
  • Exercise regularly – regular exercise is a great way to manage stress. You should do some form of exercise that causes you to feel puffed afterwards – a leisurely stroll to the bus stop is not enough! Have at least 20 minutes of exercise three times a week
  • Avoid conflict – avoid situations that make you feel stressed such as unnecessary arguments and conflict (although ignoring a problem is not always the best way to reduce stress). Assertiveness is fine but becoming distressed is not
  • Relax – give yourself some time to relax each day and try to spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself
  • Eat well – a nutritious diet is important. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid sweet and fatty foods
  • Sleep – a good sleep routine is essential. If you have difficulty falling asleep, do something calm and relaxing before you go to bed like listening to music or reading
  • Enjoy your life – it’s important to make time to have some fun and to get a balance in your life.

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