Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Why Your Relationship Is Failing (Women)

It's so easy to be caught up in the buzz of a new relationship and in the process lose yourself and give your all just out of fear of being alone and many women are victims of this. Today we will be talking about why as a woman "being too nice" is the reason why your relationship is failing. (More after the cut?

What most "too nice" women need to know is that men love a mental challenge in a relationship, when you can love him and still be your own person not losing yourself in the relationship. Many women who are too nice tend to give up all of themselves for the sake of a relationship, they start to make their life revolve around him, she cancels plans with friends, even appointments just to spend more time with him, changing her routine, jumping at a man's last minute call on a date. He notices all these things and he starts to wonder if you are your own person. Have you ever seen a man cancel an appointment with his barber just to be with a woman? That's because he knows he has to keep being him regardless of being in a relationship or not, his normal activities do not have to be on hold for her. As a woman in a relationship if you treat yourself as a valuable commodity, he will naturally put more stock on you. If a man is being disrespectful a woman who is too nice will apologize for him and even go out of her way to show him she will do anything for the relationship to work, this only shows the man that you have no self respect and that you're probably desperate and he will trot all over you and the disrespect will keep happening and this is because it is your attitude towards yourself that a man will adopt.
In a relationship being too nice is over compensating, its when a woman gives blindly to a man regardless of how he treats her, because she's too afraid to be single, she will kill herself to impress the man and then the man starts to see she places little value on herself. Often the women who have the men climbing the walls for them aren't always exceptional, they're just the ones who don't appear to care that much. A woman is perceived as offering a mental challenge to the degree that a man doesn't feel he has a 100% hold on her. Act like a prize, don't be too nice and overcompensating, stand your ground when you need to, treat disrespect not with nagging but with an attitude and watch him turn into a believer.

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