Monday 28 December 2015

Abuja Connection Seekers, Puppets of the Rich

In Abuja it is very easy to get distracted by "connection seeking" and lose yourself in the process by living above your means just to be able to go to the "big" places to attract "rich" people and people with connections. These people who have the so called connections,  can easily spot the "connection seekers" (CS) like a red stain on  white agbada, so they always have the upper hand and will take control over the situation as they please. Half the time these CS people only end up being used in so many different ways without even being close to getting what they want. (more after the cut)

The best thing you can do for yourself in Abuja is to be blind to the people around you and by blind I mean, removing your eyes from what they seem to have that you want because the moment you start envying people and comparing their lifestyles to yours, your failure has only just begun. It's so intense some grown men will call a rich kid sir just for connection, sycophants everywhere looking for ass to lick for bread and butter which could be jobs,  contracts, awoof  money, bragging rights for name dropping during conversations etc. In Abuja people are easily intimidated by the rich and will do anything to be associated with them and will go to any length to have them as friends. It's so bad that a young man will collect a rich man's son's number from his friends phone to call him up and force feed him with friendship and literarily worship him. 
Being rich is awesome but if you are not rich yet, be yourself, live within your means, work hard and hope for the best, the worse thing you can do to yourself is getting used to a lifestyle that's basically fake/pretentious and you can't afford, some girls constantly in competition with their malo/rich friends, if she travels to Dubai this week, they'll look for sugar daddy  to sponsor their own next week, meanwhile she's still squatting with a friend, once the new iphone comes out instead of being content with the 5s they already have or whichever they can afford, they will do all sorts to follow the expensive trend meanwhile they have no job. In my opinion I think it's better to stick to your kind and be comfortable and content.  
A big minus in being friends with the rich kids is that most of them are hooked on all kinds of drugs and once you start hanging around them, to feel among,  you will join them and get hooked too forgetting that they have the kudi to fuel the lifestyle but you don't, next thing these people are selling their properties to keep up with an addiction that could have been  easily avoided. And the sad truth is that these rich kids will never give you money like you thought they could because they most likely don't have their own, it’s just popsi or mumsys allowance money they flaunt.  In Abuja the top 1 survival skill you need is sticking to your lifestyle, not envying the next man and never let another person define how you live your life because of connection and money. God is the ultimate connection anyone could ever have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True writeup! Very sensible.