It's very easy to make New Year's resolutions in the
heat of enthusiasm and glowing joy but most of us are more familiar with the
difficulty of sticking to the resolutions! It is possible but it does take
focus, planning, and a determination to stick with the resolutions for the same
amount of time it takes to change a habit, so that the resolutions also turn
into new habits. (more after the cut)
1. Realize that New Year's day is
just another day and that making resolutions on this day is no different from
making a resolution on any other day.
While it's a convenient time because it's a new year and therefore feels like a
new beginning,
placing too much emphasis on it being a brand new start of the day your whole
life is going to change is unrealistic. Think of the occasion more as a
catalyst for change and a jumping-off point.
2. Pinpoint your most realistic
resolutions. Review the different areas in your life and think about what
is working as well as what isn't. Instead of picking the same old resolutions
that you can never seem to keep, like losing weight, giving up smoking or winning an
award, choose an area that you know needs improvement rather than a radical
change. Think long term and make sure it's something you can realistically see
happening. And reduce the amount of resolutions you make – hone down that list
of 10 resolutions to just one or two, or be prepared to approach your
resolutions one after another rather than all at once.
- For instance, perhaps you don't see enough of your friends or you never ring your mum. Working on these seemingly simple things may be more rewarding in the long run.
- Get this app: Lift - Daily Motivation
- Longer term goals such as learning a new language or controlling your temper are also fine but they must be broken down into chunks so that you don't have unrealistic expectations and then give up too easily.
3. Write down your resolutions. Once you have decided on your achievable resolutions, write
them down. You could even make a contract with yourself stating what you will
set out to do and sign it to make it official. Writing
down the resolutions creates a greater connection between your thinking self
and your doing self and makes the resolution appear more real than if you
simply think it in your head.
4. Focus on one change at a time. Rather than trying to have several large changes underway
at once, such as trying to lose weight, quit smoking, and increase your
exercise regime, break the changes down into smaller lots and focus on one
single resolution at a time. Your focus and energies won't be spread too thinly
this way and you can give the single resolution all of your attention.
- Break down each change into smaller steps and make the first step incredibly easy. For example, if you want to start flossing, the first step can be to locate the floss in the supermarket.
- Find routine trigger points during your day for implementing your resolution. For example, when you're eating a meal, brushing your teeth, putting out the pets, etc. Choose times that provide natural triggers for doing whatever it is your resolution is about an tack the resolution behavior onto the existing habit.
Use positive language rather than negative demands
when thinking about doing your resolution. For example, rather than
thinking "I can't be bothered going to the gym", think "I always
feel so much better for going to the gym and I love that feeling."
Highlighting the benefit to you is far more motivating than focusing on the
negatives and self-deprecation for not doing it as expected.
6. Make the change a gradual one. A resolution is unlikely to be enduring if you implement it
in its totality the first day. Giving up your favorite daily treats cold turkey
will probably cause you to think about them endlessly and finally give in to
resuming eating them. Instead, slowly wean yourself off the treats by eating
less of them each week, until you are no longer including them in your daily
eating regime.
- Give yourself plenty of time to make the change. At least 21 days of pursuing a new habit are needed to break the old habit, and a good period of time to set a new resolution in place is around two months, after which time it should feel much easier to meet your resolution.
7. Get some support. Tell a friend or your loved ones whom you trust about your
resolution. They will provide you with support
and keep you focused on your goal. And if you are wavering at all, their
support will ensure you don't give up, just in case you feel like a quitter.
- Consider joining an online support group for specific resolutions such as losing weight, giving up chocolate, or training for the next marathon. Having people you can talk to at any time of day or night can be an enormous source of instant support, especially if the people are going through the same experiences and concerns as you. In turn, be sure to help boost other people's resolutions!
8. Review your progress. Break your resolution down into stages so you can track
your progress. Look back after a couple of months and see what you're doing
right. Try to fix anything that you're doing wrong. For instance, if your
resolution was to go to the gym three
evenings a week, perhaps you haven't been sticking to it because you always
work late. Try going in the mornings instead. Making a minor adjustment could
be the key to success.
9. Build on your resolutions. When you're doing well at keeping your resolution, you may
discover that you are feeling better about other areas of your life too. Going
to the gym may lead you to cut out smoking too. Similarly, if you have given up
something as part of your resolution, try to find a pleasant and diversionary
substitute to keep your mind occupied. Quitting smoking may encourage you to exercise
10. Celebrate. Remember to celebrate your successes, but make sure the way
you celebrate doesn't go against your resolution. If you cut down on drinking
alcohol, clearly it's best not to reward yourself with a glass of wine. Instead,
treat yourself to those shoes you've had your eye on, or tickets to a play
you've been dying to see. You deserve it!
- Keep going. Why stop now when you've done this well? Extend the timeline of your resolution and work it into your everyday routine. By next year, you'll be more than ready to face your next challenge.
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