Monday, 30 November 2015

In Abuja, There are probably more Gay men than Straight

                    South Park comedy central surprised kyle cartman                       
With the Bruce sorry Caitlyn Jenner gist now slowly dying down and she’s finally had his/her 5minutes of fame, I just know I'm not the only one reasoning "which kind weed this one dey smoke?" It has to be some laced loud because what else would make an elderly man after having fleets of kids just decide to become a woman. Imagine my grand pa just starts wearing wigs and makeup,  omoh na straight deliverance o because it won't be funny, but trust the modern world to accept anything and praise rubbish,  I know there are still lots of us out there that still think it’s ridiculous and just not right especially with religious standards I mean I know many rams will say "but we do almost everything the bible says we shouldn't na" well that’s because man is always out to do the opposite which doesn’t make it right, just like yahoo boy flexing scam money, he may use it to help his family and all but it doesn't make it right because the day EFCC go show, even his parents will deny and pretend like they didn't know it was “maga that paid”. Some people in their hearts know It’s just effed up but can't say because in 2015 you're homophobic and a bigot (Thank God we are all entitled to our opinions). More after the cut

Well since the bible mentioned it, it had to happen so we don’t have to throw stones. In fact in Abuja here the fags I've seen ehn, asin they are everywhere, and it’s not hidden, you see one Alhaji will stop his car for your boyfriend and you will just be looking like mumu in shock like you were in some movie, I don't even trust some guys source of income especially the ones that say "I'm into business" and not specify which kind because e fit be one Alhaji dey bust the guy ass, and he gets paid handsomely for it. One that shocked me was I was chilling with a friend at some nice restaurant only for 2 guys to walk in, one opened the door for the other, they got in, he pulled his seat for him and asked for the kind of pizza he wanted so he could place the order and he had that "omg I've met the man of my dreams look on his face", me and my friend asin we were just drooling because our mouth was wide open in shock at the  "I'm an African gay man and I don’t care if it's obvious" attitude.
Dear Abuja women, you should worry less about the young girls and hold your man tight before Alhaji Musa or his "so called Friend Sule" will snatch him. Because when you will find out, it’ll be like African magic. 

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