Tuesday, 4 August 2015

"I'm a Virgin"

Girls are just beautiful creatures; God ate Jollof rice the day he made them. Damn they are amazing and if you’re a virgin in this generation, my dear congrats because you’re like , una scarce.
Being a virgin is the best thing anyone can do for themselves especially a woman, because you barely ever have to worry when blood no flow, or when peeing burns and you have to go and buy mycoten at H-medix and have to pay to a female cashier. It’s God's way. Virginity/abstinence is true bliss for a woman.
In Abuja the girls are cute, maybe overly bleached and whiter than onyi ocha but still cute and still do not exercise lol and it’s truly amazing how every girl is a virgin. Of course PSYCH virgin ;). The ash…ruining everything for the real virgins out there.
Idk why they say it, I think it’s because they don't want the men to think they sleep around, but it’s so cliché even the men don't believe the true virgins. If and I mean IF she truly is, then my brother, she fit hold shit? Reason am (ask your friends that understand).
Biko its old, stop it. These days sef surgery can make her a virgin, even V tightening creams. Don’t be fooled my people.

So sister if u be "abuja virgin" tell us why u dey lie? and guys ask them beht why?

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