Monday 31 August 2015

Hack of the Day: Android users "How to free up space on your Phone to reduce lagging"

We are familiar with how this works, when you want to download a new app and your android phone keeps saying not enough space, even when you have up to 1gig and the app is like 35mb and also when you're operating your phone and it starts hanging and your apps keep restarting
Here is how to free up space on your android phone and to reduce lagging (hanging)
  • Clear cache. Settings > app manager > menu > sort by size > click app > click clear cache. Repeat for all the large apps.
  • Free up app space. Settings > app manager > menu > sort by size > click app >click move to SD card.
  • Now that you've freed space and moved apps to SD, phone lagging will be reduced significantly. You welcome.

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