Wednesday 23 December 2015

Poetry Wednesday: The Yuletide Magic

Alas! The time of good cheer
And hearty grace is here
The end that marks the birth of him
That died and rose for us a clean film
The joy and bliss of our saviors birth
That captured our pain and sent it to its death (more after the cut)

Oh! The wonders of this mystery
Divine, simple and a new history
Never ending celebration  of him
Who was, is and is to come, o what eternal hymn
How glorious is your name
Oh precious son of God with everlasting fame

Rejoice, me and you
For we are saved even now on this pew
Our troubles have gone down the drain
We will not be the same, our hopes are refreshed by his reign
Give and dance and be merry
For our light has come with this magical ferry.

written by siliablog (

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