Monday, 23 November 2015

The Day I Was Violated (Personal Experience)

So this lovely Saturday morning I decide to go to the mall to buy groceries because I needed them, so I got up didn’t care to shower because I was too lazy to, I just brushed my teeth, put on one of my favorite easy going gowns, packed my braids well and I was off. After taking the uneventful first cab to the junction I had to enter another cab and low and behold as I was just about to cross the road from one end to the other end where the cabs where, I could hear some of the park men abi Agberos saying “oohh, shameless girl” “why you no wear pant”  “why you no wear tight?” whispering  loud enough for me and everyone around me to hear. (more after the cut)

Of course they did this to pass judgment on me because my gown was a bit short therefore I am now a mami water out to seduce men and send them to hell. I was really pissed off and overly embarrassed because I wore both and it was just unnecessary. Obviously I ignored them and acted like I didn’t hear but in my head I was like “wtf?” “so I can’t wear what I like again?” “yes I knew my dress was above my knee but dammit that I love short clothes is it my fault? And to me it wasn’t as short as they made it seem” "is it my fault that my ass is fat af?” because I think that’s why the gown jumped up a bit. I know to society I fucked up but damn can’t a curvy woman be happy? Can't she just wear what she likes?” Must Nigerians talk and act holier than thou? Can't we just shut the hell up and mind our business and leave the judging for God? As we drove past that area to my destination my heart started beating faster because all I could think about was the fact that I had to take that same park, cross that same road back home and most likely suffer the same public humiliation or even worse for no apparent reason other than me being me :( 

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