Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Abuja Guy: Do you have friends?

Meeting Abuja guys is always interesting and if you're observant you will learn a lot. Abuja guys are cute, smart, intelligent, rich or trying, loving, caring, ungrateful bastards that will be rude to you the second they don't get what they want from you. They lack every sort of mannerism in the books and the ones that are managing to try are total idiots if you close your legs.

Every Abuja man you meet has a pattern of questions like "where do you work? where do you stay, where is your family? are you single? Do you smoke? Do you live alone? Will you cook for me? Do you have friends?
Now that’s the one that annoys the heck out of me. Biko maka why? Izit not me you want? Wetin concern you and my friends?
I don’t know why they ask it but I'm going to form conspiracy theories below:
1. Maybe so they can be friends with my friends to know me better and make new friends with them.(less likely)
2. Maybe they ask to know if your friend is hotter so they can move on to her And start famzing. 
3. To know if just in case he wants 3somes or 4somes you have someone to call
4. To give to their friends
5. To see more lives to ruin after your own
BONUS: To see if u have a friend that her dad is some rich politician or prominent business man so he can sharply get her.
Abi I dey lie? Ehn men? Why una wan know?

Sorry for the inconsistencies, works been crazy, plus technical issues. I'm working on it and thanks for reading my blog, it means the world to me. Enjoy your day.

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